My Story
In 2009 I was a young college student with a work hard-play hard mentality, burning the candle at both ends. I developed digestive issues, like bloating, heartburn, and indigestion, and was later diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. Shortly after I developed insomnia, anxiety, and chronic pain and fatigue, and was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
I so badly wanted to get better, so I took the medication my doctors gave me and followed they recommendations to the letter, but my health got worse. I even started to miss out on things in life because I was sick all the time. I felt frustrated, alone, and scared for my future. Unsure of what to do to better my health and my situation.
That’s when I realized that:
If I wanted my health to improve, I had to do something.
I began to research and learn everything that I could about the digestive system, IBS and fibromyalgia. I must have tried every health remedy on the internet! I tested out different therapeutic elimination diets, like the Low FODMAP diet. I tried different vitamin and mineral supplementation protocols, natural herbs, acupuncture, and other alternatives healing techniques. I truly went on a wellness journey, and I discovered how to heal my gut naturally, manage my IBS, and get rid of my chronic pain and fibromyalgia for good!
Now I finally have my life back! I’ve been pain free since 2019 and feel like my old self again. I still have IBS and probably alway will, but I know how to manage it now and feel better than ever!
My life has been radically transformed by the things I learned, therapies I tried, and positive lifestyle habits that I’ve adopted, and now I want to share them with you!
If you want to transform your health too:
My recipes are designed to optimize digestion while minimizing IBS symptoms and flare ups.